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Spanish II Course Syllabus

Charles McCoy, Instructor

school phone: 904.381.3930

Prentice Hall Realidades 2 Florida Edition

Course objective: To improve students basic vocabulary and grammar in Spanish, to better familiarize students with countries and culture of Latin America, Spain, and Latin culture within the U.S., especially Florida.

Materials: Students will need their Realidades 2 textbook and corresponding workbook. A 3-ring binder is required with sufficient paper. A pen or pencil and a Spanish-English dictionary will also be used. Students are to bring their books and dictionary to class daily unless otherwise instructed and are not permitted to leave the class in order to retrieve them from lockers.

Expectations: Students are expected to attend class regularly and to make up work as soon as possible in the event of an absence. They are to come fully-prepared with materials to class. Students should also come to school appropriately dressed. Ladies should not have revealing clothing. Gentlemen should not wear hoods or hats, nor should pants be worn below the waist or exposing underwear. Students should also have a ready-to-learn attitude and have slept adequately the night before. Class time is an instructional time, and it is not appropriate to finish last night’s homework or work on another class’ work while in class unless so instructed. Students are to complete the work when assigned and to ask for assistance when appropriate. They are expected to maintain a C or above average or else parents will be contacted. They are to use appropriate language and to be respectful of others while at school.

Grading: Students will be graded on a 100 points scale as follows:

90 - 100 = A, Excellent
80 – 89 = B, Very Good
70 – 79 = C, Satisfactory
60 – 69 = D, Below Expectation
59 or below = F, Failing

Grades will be based on points earned out of total points. Points may vary per quarter or per class section. Students will be assessed using a variety of tools including, but not limited to, individual or group projects (points vary), unit tests (100 pts.), quizzes (5-20 pts.), homework (5-20 pts.), classwork (5-20 pts.) cumulative warm-up exercises (5-10 pts.), and bonus (1-50,000,000 pts.)

Discipline: Students are always expected to be on their best behavior. Electronic devices are to be turned off and kept put away. If the student is unwilling to put it away upon warning, it will be confiscated and given over to the administrator or parent. Students are not to enter the classroom inappropriately dressed. Should a student’s behavior cause a disruption, he or she will be warned. After the first intervention he or she may be asked to phone a parent, or some alternative consequence may be agreed upon. Should these measures not prove effective, the student will be referred to the office. Serious offenses, including profanity, may be referred to the office circumventing other measures at the teacher’s discretion. Skipping is an offense which will automatically receive a referral when the student does not come back from lunch or is out of place during an emergency drill.

Schoolnotes: All Robert E. Lee High School teachers maintain a page on; this is a very useful tool which should be checked periodically. The school’s ZIP code is 32205. The easiest way to keep in the know is to click so that you receive an email when the page is updated.

E-mail and internet: All Robert E. Lee High School teachers maintain an email address which they must check often. This is the most effective way to correspond with me. Please send me an e-mail so that I may add you to my contact list (include the student’s name and class section, e.g. 3rd Block-A). The internet is an enormous resource at the student’s disposal. All students may access the internet from the media center and in many classrooms. In addition to this, if they do not have access from home, students may do so at a public library. The busses will let a student ride for free to and from a library upon presenting a library card.

Conferences: Mr. McCoy will have 2nd period planning (8:50-10:25AM). You may schedule a meeting through Mrs. Waynick in the Liberal Arts Community office for this time or after school on almost any day except Tuesday, due to tutoring, or early release Wednesdays.

Tutoring: Mr. McCoy will be available after school on Tuesdays. Any student may also try to make an appointment for any other day. The school may also provide that another teacher tutor one day a week, check the front office for details.

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